It is far an undeniable fact that cohabitation is getting its way through the Tanzania society very fast and the situation is so alarming.
With an increase in population, economic hardship, and urbanization where there is free movement of people from one place to another specifically Rural – Urban migration, ethics erosion and non – adherent to religious teachings, just to mention a few, man and woman have found themselves, out of sexual intimacies, living together, but not to have legally married. This habit has brought us into the concubine institution. Cohabitation is the act of living together, by two people of opposite sex (heterosexual couples) as well as same sex partners (homosexual) while involved in romantic or intimate relationship.

Cohabitation is the word that originated from Latin “Co – habitare to inhabit,” from frequentative of habare to have more or give. (According to Web dictionary). According to the web definition; Cohabitation is the act of living together and having a sexual relationship especially without being married. ( 11.11.2011) Cohabitation is an emotional and physical intimate relationship which includes a common living place and which exists without legal or religious sanction. The act of living together, a place where two or more individual reside together. (
